Cognitive, Personality & Neuropsychological
Psychological assessments may be indicated / suggested for a variety of reasons. Some of them can include:
· An individual wanting to get a better sense of his personality traits and interpersonal relationship issues
· A school/college or organisation wanting a psychological assessment for the client
· An individual wanting more clarity on career path ahead
· The therapy process warranting an assessment to help clear or meet therapeutic objectives
· A referral from another medical practitioner
A personality test or assessment refers to systematic and scientific techniques designed to measure the characteristic patterns of traits that people exhibit across various situations. Personality assessments can be used to clarify a clinical diagnosis, guide therapeutic interventions, and/or help predict how people may respond in different situations.
Projective assessments are primarily a measure of personality. Prompts like inkblots, photos, or incomplete words may be used to get responses that are then interpreted by the psychologist.
Diagnostic tests aim to confirm if the individual being assessed meets the criteria or demonstrates behaviours or symptoms that would meet the criteria for a formal diagnosis. These tests identify areas where the client might need help and benefit from additional support or services. They also help determine the best treatment approach given the client’s strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, diagnostic tests determine medical necessity for certain conditions.
Neuropsychological tests involve a systematic administration of clearly defined procedures that measure psychological functions associated with the brain. The abilities tested include reading, learning usage, problem solving, attention, and learning among others. Neuropsychological assessments are required for the purposes of diagnosis, determining cognitive strengths and weaknesses, establishing a baseline, or planning a treatment/intervention.
Cognitive assessments are reliable and scientific measures of mental performance. These tests can be used to detect cognitive issues, such as a deficiency in knowledge, thought process, and judgment.
Social-emotional assessments include a combination of formal and informal tests. They are needed for children or teenagers who have problems with anxiety, anger, sadness, or have difficulties interacting with others. These assessments can serve as a starting point for therapy and/or provide a detailed account of their psychological functioning.
Aptitude tests are designed to assess academic potential or career suitability of individuals. By assessing mental or physical talent in a variety of domains, they help predict what a person is capable of learning or doing given the right education and training.
Interest tests require the individual to provide information regarding their likes and dislikes for a range of attitudes and activities. These are then compared with the interest patterns of successful members of different occupations as a means of assessing the individual’s suitability for different types of work.
The process of testing includes an initial meeting to conduct a brief history and understand the reasons for referral. The assessment session may take place in a single or multiple sittings depending on the kind of tests used as well as the capacity of the client. Assessments are usually paper-pencil tests that are presented through battery of a variety of forms/stories/drawings that evaluate particular concerns that they are aimed for. Post the conduction of the assessment, a report is generated and shared with the referring source. A feedback meeting may take place in order to explain the results and way forward.